Welcome! I'm a photographer, wife, mom to two sweet crazy boys and am expecting a little girl soon.

I've started blogging to share the ideas, products, and discoveries that have made my life easier and more intentional in hopes they will do the same for you!

Hi! I'm Emily






At-Home Newborn Session: Baby Bennett



When I was three years old, a kitten with a smashed paw showed up on our back steps late one night. My parents thought it had been stepped on by one of the cows next door and immediately rushed it to a family friend veterinarian. When the kitten came home a few days later from the vet with three legs, we had all fallen in love with him. He was now our cat and I was allowed to name him! I don’t remember this, but my mom says I immediately said “Luke!” after my best friend at the time 🙂

Luke and I’s parents grew up together and his cousins are actually my cousins (my dad’s sister married his mom’s brother, don’t think about it too hard..) so we’ve grown up together. Luke, the cat, was the cuddliest, softest guy and lived for many, many years hopping around on his three little paws. Luke, the human, grew into hardworking, generous, funny man I’m proud to call my oldest friend.

Flash forward fifteen years and I was heading off to college. I was looking for a roommate and Luke’s girlfriend was going into the same program as me! We ended up living together and became great friends over our freshman year. She is lighthearted, kind, and bakes better than Martha.

Needless to say, this pair is a gem. They began dating when we were in high school and one quick decade later are now married and parents to their new baby, sweet little Bennett.

This was one of the most meaningful sessions I’ve had the privilege of shooting. To watch two friends I adore be so in love with each other and their new little one is incredibly special. I felt like my heart might burst as I watched them fawn over him, giggling and gazing at each other. They are building a beautiful life together and baby Benny is at the center. He is their sun, their moon, and all of their stars 🙂 


If you're looking for photography that is so much more than just gorgeous images, it's an experience that allows you to be fully present with the ones you love, you're in the right place.

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