As a mostly-stay at home mom, there have been plenty of days when I wake up and think, “what are we going to do today?” For some reason, my brain has a hard time coming up with ideas in the morning and then later in the day I sometimes wish I’d thought of something else to go do. My solution was creating this chart! When my mind is blank on ideas, I look at the list and based on the weather and my/the boys energy levels, I pick an activity. Low energy days are when we are tired, sick, or just need a chill day. I saved this chart to my phone for easy access. It’s perfect to glance at, especially the night before, to inspire our plans for the next day so we can get up and out the door (no small feat with a toddler and baby). I’m still adding to it and I know the options will change as my boys grow. I highly recommend creating an activities chart of your own based on what you and your kids love to do!