Five minutes with Paige Fetzer is the equivalent of 12 espresso shots. Her energy and enthusiasm for life is that contagious. She is an incredible combination of fierce, bold, and dynamic mixed with thoughtful, sweet, and kind. I feel so fortunate to say a few hours spent shooting brand content together lead to an immediate friendship. Love you, Paige!
In addition to being a fitness guru and Athleta ambassador, Paige travels constantly for her global tech position. The morning of this shoot she’d taken the train in from Boston, picked up coffees for both of us (so sweet!), and met me curbside at Union Station as the sun was rising. After a fun hour of running around Georgetown shooting, I stuck around she lead a nutrition panel event at the Athleta store sharing her wise words on food with attendees. We were amped up from the morning and decided to keep shooting around the area for more content. By lunchtime, we wrapped up and she was… wait for it… off to catch a spin class.. after running sprints up and down the Exorcist stairs for half an hour.
Paige, thank you for an awesome morning. I can’t wait to shoot together again soon!