Welcome! I'm a photographer, wife, mom to two sweet crazy boys and am expecting a little girl soon.

I've started blogging to share the ideas, products, and discoveries that have made my life easier and more intentional in hopes they will do the same for you!

Hi! I'm Emily






Travel Journal: Costa Rica Part I


I am so excited to share the images from my trip to Costa Rica last month!

When Cynthia, one of my favorite yoga instructors and dear friend, asked me if I’d come photograph her Women’s Wellness Retreat late last summer, I couldn’t believe my ears. What a dream!

I’d get to visit a beautiful, warm place during the middle of gray, DC winter… Spend days focused on reflecting, connecting, and adventure to start the new year… Have the opportunity to photograph the entire trip… And to top it off, one of my best friends, Victoria, had brought up the idea of going on a yoga retreat together before and she decided to sign up for this one, too! I couldn’t believe my luck and was giddy with anticipation.

Unfortunately, by the time the trip came around right after the New Year, a lot had happened and Patrick and I were in the midst of his father’s cancer treatment. He had been admitted the week before Christmas and was expected to be in the hospital for many weeks after his initial set of very intense procedures (it was like something from a sci-fi movie).

At that point, I really struggled with the idea of leaving. I was terrified something would happen and I wouldn’t be there to support Patrick and our family. When it came time to leave, I said one thousand prayers, put my faith in the experts around him, accepting there was very little I could do whether I was sitting at the hospital or in Costa Rica, and decided to follow through with my commitment to go on the trip. Thankfully, he continued to make great progress while I was gone and I received constant updates 🙂

As it turns out, this trip was exactly what I needed in the midst of so much uncertainty and following a tough year. Getting to do what I love by photographing the women on the trip and the beauty of Costa Rica, plus participating in tons of yoga, meditation, and eating healthy food was the physical and mental reset I needed.

I know that there is much more magic to come this year, but I can already say this trip will be a highlight of 2018 no matter what 🙂

Tomorrow I’ll share more about the trip- where we stayed, what we did, and the second half of my favorite images!

Read other travel posts.


If you're looking for photography that is so much more than just gorgeous images, it's an experience that allows you to be fully present with the ones you love, you're in the right place.

© With Grace and Gold Showit Website Template | Photography by Emily Belson Photography


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