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Welcome! I'm a photographer, wife, mom to two sweet crazy boys and am expecting a little girl soon.

I've started blogging to share the ideas, products, and discoveries that have made my life easier and more intentional in hopes they will do the same for you!

Hi! I'm Emily






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I got to meet Elvira and her parents Paige and Brian one quiet Sunday morning in their beautiful, sunlight-filled home. From the obvious care taken to decorate her nursery to the way her parents gaze at her with the sweetest grin, it is clear “Vera” is the apple of their eye and the center of their hearts.

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When we got to meet Cillian last weekend, I think the only word to describe their new family was blissful. Smiley baby Cillian hardly made a peep, and Julie and Patrick were so excited to show off their son. Congratulations, Julie and Patrick! I hope the images from our impromptu photo shoot help you remember this very special time with your sweet, red-headed baby. 

© With Grace and Gold Showit Website Template | Photography by Emily Belson Photography